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Peshtigo River Bowhunters Spring League Winners


The Peshtigo River Bowhunters Club has completed 7 weeks of Spring League Shooting. Spring League consisted of 4 teams.  Each week team members shot at 3-D targets set up on the range at varying distances. The distances ranged from 10 yards to a little over 30 yards.  Each person went around the range and shot at 30 different 3-D targets.  The scoring was 10-8-5 & 0 for a complete miss.  A perfect score was 300.  Shooting was from the ground and also from several elevated stands which gave a good opportunity for many different types of shots. Teams were formed after the first week of shooting.  Teams shot against a different team each week.  The top 3 shooters with handicap were used for the team score.  When a team won, they received 2 points, if the teams tied, then each team would receive 1 point.

2024 Spring League Winners

Two Teams tied for First Place with 10 points each!

Team #2 Tied for First Place--------10 Total Team Points

Members: Taylor Brissette, Ryan Seefeldt, Russell Cleven, Eric Brissette, Marv Fernstrum

Team #1 Tied for First Place-------10 Total Team Points                   

Members: Steve Counard, Al Turner, Molly Bonjean, Eric Krautkramer, Cade Fernstrum

Top Shooters: Steve Counard---------300 (Avg. score), Taylor Brissette-------298, Paul Seidl---------------296

Shooters that shot a perfect score of 300 during Spring League are as follows: Steve Counard (7 times), Taylor Brissette (3 times)

Summer League starts July 3rd and will run for 10 weeks.  Additional Shooters are welcome!

Upcoming events are:

July 10th-6pm   Club meeting and Hamburger night –Nominations for New Officers

July 13th-8am – 4pm Tri Club Shoot @ Oconto Bow Range

August 4th-8am—4pm   Rinehart 50 Shoot

Peshtigo River Bowhunters, League, Winners


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