Tuesday, January 14, 2025

“Northern Lights” Holiday Charity Gala


MARINETTE – The Marinette and Menominee Chamber of Commerce held their annual “Northern Lights” Holiday Charity Gala on Dec. 6 at Little River Country Club in Marinette. With a formal dinner, games, raffle and auction running throughout the night, the attendees had a festive night and raised money to benefit the local community.

While no final numbers have been released yet, Communication and Programs Staff Assistant Ellen Grabian said, “I believe we exceeded expectations.” Proceeds from the gala will support the chamber’s scholarship program as well as business and workforce development initiatives. A donation collection and toy drive was also hosted on behalf of the Salvation Army.

In addition to raising funds, the Chamber of Commerce also raised spirits.

Christmas by the Bay musicians from the Bay Shore Arts Center performed, photographer Judy Reid took guest pictures in front of the Aurora Borealis backdrop and Dr. Aaron and Sandy Stueck stopped by as Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Members of the Wave, the chamber’s young professionals organization, assisted with activities throughout the evening.

“It was a great night,” Grabien said. “The event was made possible through the generous sponsorships and donations from our Chamber member companies and area businesses.”

The Marinette and Menominee Chamber of Commerce will return with a variety of new programs in the new year.

Marinette and Menominee Chamber of Commerce, Northern Lights, Holiday Charity Gala, dinner, games, raffle, auction, local community


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