Friday, January 24, 2025

Kathy Kotny-Crabtree - Letter to Editor


Last year I lost my husband and I was reduced to a one income family. It has been hard as I still need to work to cupplement my monthly income. In December I received my property taxes with the increase from the referendum and other entities increases, I was lucky I had the money put aside to pay them. 

For years Director Cowell applied for funding for West Park Drive. One of the roads surrounding Badger Park in Peshtigo. Once he retired I know Mayor Malke has applied a couple of times and did not receive any funding. On August, 22, 2023, Mayor Malke requested from the city council support to hire Robert E. Lee & Associates Inc. (R.E.L.) for $1,000 to assist and critique her applications to replace West Park Drive at a cost of $1,209,843.50. The grant is an 80/20 which means the city would have to pay 20 percent of the project. The road is surrounded by swamp on both sides, causing the cost to fix it properly to be so high. At 20 percent of the total cost, the cities share would be $241,968.70. 

Mayor Malke wanted to know how she could improve on the application and I admire her reaching out for help. A motion was made during the August 22, 2023 meeting to support hiring R.E.L to assist with applying for two upcoming grants. Motion carried 3 yes/2 no.   

Kathy Kotny-Crabtree

Letter To Editor, Kathy Kotny-Crabtree


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