Dear Community Residents and Businesses/Organizations of Peshtigo, Porterfield and Marinette:
It’s Christmas time and there are growing numbers of families in need in our area. Food Pantries reported to our Tri County United Way that their numbers have more than doubled in the past year. Government assist-ance related to COVID is terminated. Most people are working, if able. Unemployment is at a low of 3.8%.
Rent costs in our area are exorbitant! Many families are paying 50-60% of their income for housing expenses (recommended no more than 30-33%)!
Transportation is also a rising cost! Local Taxi fares recently increased by 50% and 67% for families and elderly/disabled respectfully.
If these families in need are to be helped it is up to us! Children are going without basic needs for their parents to keep a roof over their heads.
We THANK all those who assisted us with our Christmas Family Adoption Program, wherein as of today we have served 309 children in 124 local families in need. Thank you to the 125 Adopters and Shoppers for your financial support and time to serve these families in their need.
Christmas celebrates the coming of Christ – the light of the World! We are all called to bring the light, peace, and grace of Jesus Christ to those in need in our community. Make someone’s Christmas joyful, hopeful, and blessed.
We need your help in our ministry. There are at least three ways you can contribute and be a part of our conference work. First, you can pray for us to be energized, kind and caring in our relationships with Those In Need. Also, remember in prayer our conference benefactors and Those We Serve. Second, you can join us and become Jesus’ hands and feet in our community. Our ministry is transformative, both for us and Those We Serve. Third, you can provide financial help for Those In Need. One hundred percent of your financial gift goes to individuals or families in need, as we are all volunteers. The need is great. Please be generous.
Donations can be sent to: St Joseph Conference – 2715 Taylor Street - PO Box 563 – Marinette WI 54143-0563. Checks made payable “SJC-SSVdP” and in memo area indicate purpose: Basic Needs, or whatever you desire.
Today we take time to reflect – to remember, appreciate, and thank those who share the work and have walked with us since October 1918 to the present. Your support and encouragement as we go to the needy of our community sharing Christ’s light and love make’s a difference!
In the Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul,
David Harper,
Conference Spiritual Advisor
St Joseph Conference – Marinette – Society of St Vincent de Paul, Inc.
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